Thursday, July 18, 2013

Puerto Madero by night.

     My Aunt Sandy came to visit me for five days just at the end of classes! We had a blast tooling around Buenos Aires. We didn't quite hit the level of activities I packed into my parents' schedule when they were here, but we managed to see some new things! We went to La Boca, an art museum, did some shopping at the Sunday fairs, had plenty of tea, and just had a general porteño good time :] 
     I took my last final while Aunt Sandy was here, and got an A! I have officially successfully finished my study abroad semester. What a great feeling! 
     We're currently sitting in my apartment waiting for the driver to come pick her up for the airport! She's taking back a whole suitcase of my things to the States (isn't she the BEST?)--I'm about to say goodbye to my computer as I'll be left with only the things I'm taking on my trip North! 
     I won't have a way to upload pictures from my camera, but I'll try to upload a few from my iPad to keep you updated along the way of our journey. My countdown says 2 days 5 hours--where did the time go?? I'm about to become a whirlwind of emotions as the sadness of leaving Buenos Aires starts to hit the excitement of our next trip... So much things happening at once!!

Love you all and see you stateside in three weeks!!

Oh the joys of public transpo.
Polka dot exhibit at the Museum of Latin American art.

El Ateneo

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