Monday, March 11, 2013

Rey de Reyes

Yesterday night I went with Sydney to try out this church she heard about called Rey de Reyes (King of Kings).

And my, what an adventure it was.

It said the service started at 8:30pm, so we arrived ten minutes early. As we began to go up the steps, we were instead told to wait in the line until the current service lets out, and then to follow the line into the church. Okay.

"Un-obvious" picture of the line of people.

So we follow the line around.. and keep following it for a block until it turns into this parking lot, which is full of people. There is a man in there whose job it is to corral people into lines that turn and snake around. You know, kinda like an amusement ride. So we're standing in this dimly-lit parking lot with around 200 argentinians on a Sunday night... and the line doesn't move for a good 30 minutes. The handout we receives said the service before started at 6, which is making us believe that these services last 3 hours....

It's going to so weird to get back to America, and actually know what is going on 97% of the time. Because here? It's just wonder and confusion all day long. 

So the line finally moves, we get inside, the service starts around 9. And my, what a service. There's a dancing choir, accompanied by a full band to include this tenor sax player ripping it up, who occasionally pulled out a soprano sax even! There's dancing there's singing... some of the songs are even ones we recognized, just in Spanish! The man leading the singing has pop-star style vocal rips... beautiful voice. He was pretty beautiful as well. All around a good worship/song time.

After an hour or so of singing, though, things began to get intense. I had to leave (around 10:30!) at the point where people were all murmuring loudly to themselves and holding hands, but Sydney said after I left there was much jumping, shaking violently, weeping, and speaking in tongues. We were a leetle overwhelmed...

So that was quite the experience. Can't say I'd ever been to a church so full of.. emotion.
Even going to a church service here can turn into an adventure! hahaaa

And here is a video of "Trading my Sorrows" in Spanish. Do you see beautiful singing man? Do you hear the crazy sax man??

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