Saturday, March 23, 2013

El Ateneo.

So yesterday I had some free time and went wandering around and found El Ateneo... this really cool bookstore that used to be a theater in the 1910s. It was beautiful! 

It's got three stories around the outsides, and then you can go down to the subsuelo for even more books. There's a little café back behind the curtain too! Quite possibly the classiest bookstore ever.

I had a great time wandering around a looking at all the different books in Spanish. I found a ton of books I recognized--Harry Potter, Anne of Green Gables, Judy Moody. The kids books were so darn cute.  I found a copy of The Little Prince in Spanish (El Principito), and had to buy it :] Now I've made it my mission to find "Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day" in Spanish somewhere in this city!  It has to be here somewhere.
Se acerca el invierno.
Side note, while I was looking up the official way to translate "winter is coming" for the above caption... I found these tshirts. Add those to my animal shirts and I may never need to buy clothes again.

I need these so much it hurts.

I also found this one which... there's just.. so many.. so many things I love happening in that one sentence that ... I can't. I can't.

(For the confused: this is a Game of Thrones references inside of a Princess Bride reference, then translated to Spanish.)

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