Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Samaná Day 3: Cayo Levantado

Señor Pirata

On Saturday we took a boat across the harbor and out to Cayo Levantado, a tiny little island off the coast of Samaná. It. Was so. Beautiful.  Luckily, currently it's not tourist season here (which is not what I would've thought), so the beach was fairly empty all day! I couldn't believe that a place so gorgeous didn't have more visitors, but I wasn't complaining!

A few days ago we'd driven past a woman crawling on the beach while her boyfriend took pictures.... we thought we'd see what the allure was.  I'm still not so sure.

This is the life.

We stayed on the beach for most of the day... we didn't want to leave!! Oh, and while Aaron and I were in the ocean we talked to these guys who looked straight of Jersey shore, except plus 200 pounds, who owned underground casinos in Toronto. Never before had I heard the word "eh" so much come out of the mouths of such thugs... interesting the people you meet while floating in the Caribbean...

The view of Samaná from the boat! Qué chulo.
There are boys in our group too... they just tend to be our photographers usually.

ALSO, while we were there, I realized one picture couldn't begin to do justice to the incredible paisaje (I had to use that word because I can't remember the word in English) that surround us, so I took a bunch and put them all together for you! It turned out way better than I thought it would honestly... I'm so proud of myself. 

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