Wednesday, June 6, 2012


On Wednesday we went to dinner at Danny's house.... his house is so beautiful! So much so that I had to take pictures to remind myself for when I have a house... and I thought I'd share.  I just love all of the artwork! He travels a lot, and his wife is an interior designer, so between the two of them they've come up with a pretty impressive display of art in their house.  I loved it!

The big space in the middle is because the artist asked to have it back for a bit to put in an art show.
Danny got this painted for his wife for their first anniversary... how beautiful and adorable is that??

Danny painted the one of the crying woman, and the African woman on the right. Who knew he could paint?? That man is so full of surprises...

Also, on Wednesday I talked to Miguel for awhile in Spanish and found out I can still, in fact, understand Spanish. When he consciously tried to speak without slurring his words and without crazy slang, we actually managed quite a long conversation! Pretty funny that that's what it takes here, but good nonetheless :] 

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