Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Finde en Buenos Aires!

Seems like a rare occurrence, but this weekend I stayed home and caught up on my life!

On Saturday, Sydney and her chilean friend Manuel and I went to the zoo in Recoleta. It was so fun, and the weather was perfect for a day outdoors! The zoo was very cool and full of Spanish-speaking children (alway a plus!). Some of the animals seemed disconcertingly unguarded though... are we really sure that bear can't make that jump? Because there are no bars separating him from the innocent onlookers...

We had lunch at one of the Cafés Notables (up to 17 now! Yes!), and by then it had started raining. We wandered around a mall (I finally got some dulce de leche softserve from McDonald's.. why do we not have that in the States??)

Me and my spirit animals. Look at that bear, shmoozing it up for the camera. 
While wandering around Recoleta we ran into a man and his son who were carrying three black lab puppies. THREE LAB PUPPIES. They let us hold them and hug them for a few minutes and it was just the swellest thing.

After wandering around in the rain I went with Sydney and Manuel to youth group at a church in Palermo. Everyone there was so nice, and we stayed for the pizza dinner afterward. I met some Colombian boys who invited me to go bowling with their friends. They don't speak hardly any English so it was definitely good Spanish practice for me! We had such a good time!

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