Sunday, May 27, 2012


     Saturday was really relaxed... Ana (my host mom) left in the afternoon for La Romana, but I stayed here in Santo Domingo to go to a drag race with the other kids!  Except after we hung out all afternoon we found out that the drag races were canceled this week because Mother's Day was today, Sunday. Apparently racers really love their mothers.  Womp womp for us.
     In the afternoon, we called José, our driver, to take us to the supermarket. We ended up at a place called La Sirena, which seems to me like the local Walmart.  I didn't take a ton of pictures--I didn't want to seem too much like a tourist--but I got a few!  The store was huge, two stories, and we walked around everywhere, looking at clothes and all the different kinds of foods. I didn't buy a ton of food because I don't seem to need it, but I got a few things to try :]

Aaron and his wagon on the cookie aisle.
The Cow that Laughs.

     Once we got back home Olga made us a lovely dinner of roasted goat and fried yuca. Mmmm. Since the drag races were canceled, we just went to the boys' house and played games on the porch. We laughed when we realized we were sitting on a second story balcony, overlooking the rooftops, the street and a baseball game, playing dominos and drinking El Presidente, while really loud merengue played from a car below.  I'm not sure we could've gotten much more Dominican :]
     While we were playing dominos the man who lived at the house came out to talk to us. He was probably about sixty-something, and even though we spoke to him in Spanish he always answered in very accented, very segmented English (that seems to happen a lot here for some reason). I made the mistake of asking him what he did for a living, because for some reason that triggered him to launch into a twenty-minute long story that was kinda hard to understand, but centered around how when he was in the States he somehow got involved with the FBI because of a friend they were chasing. He had all these conspiracy theories about how "they" (I'm still not sure if he mean the FBI or the American people in general) go against evolution and always kill the smartest people, the people who actually contribute to the world, and that is why there is poverty and injustice in the US. Because "they" shot Kennedy. He mentioned that about eight times, along with the words "they talk about... liberty... demoncracy... but they only... words!" We sat and listened politely while he continued. He said that the FBI sent him on a plane back from New York to the DR. On the plane they gave him something to mess with his brain, but he figured it out and took preventative actions so that they did not succeed in compromising his mental capabilities (his words... not mine). He said he's starting a political party based on all the things he had mentioned, and that it'll be campaigning for the election in 2016.   Best of luck to him.  So yeah.  He was entertaining.  I'm not really sure what else I can say about that though.
     The evening was a great one, very relaxed :] I stayed at Olga's house so we could leave in the morning for La Romana, so Christina and I got to have a sleepover.

Like an ice cream truck except a horse. With limes.


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